What Notice to Give When ending a Tenancy in Australia
Find out everything you need to know about ending or terminating a tenancy and the required notice periods.
Find out everything you need to know about ending or terminating a tenancy and the required notice periods.
Whether you’re ending your lease because it has come to the end of its term period or if you need to terminate it earlier than expected - understanding when and how a tenancy ends is important.
You must understand your obligations when ending a tenancy agreement so that you can ensure that the process goes smoothly and you're doing things the right way. Ending or terminating a tenancy in Australia involves adhering to the legislation and regulations set by each state or territory.
The first step in ending the tenancy is to serve written notice to the tenant. The amount of notice required will depend on the length of time they have been renting, as well as the type of rental agreement that was signed and the state or territory your property is in.
Generally speaking, any agreement with a fixed end date will require 60 days' notice, while agreements without an end date may require 90 days' notice. These timelines vary depending on the state or territory in which your property is in.
When ending a tenancy, it is important to know the different rules and laws that apply in each state and territory. While some of the protocols for terminating a tenancy are similar between states, some differences must be considered when navigating the process.
See the links below to access the relevant information for each Australian state:
There are many reasons you may want to end a tenancy, but the two most common reasons are:
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